Big News! We moved to 8930 Gravois Road, St. Louis, MO 63123
Deca Property Management
Most experienced Saint Louis Property Management and Association Management company.
All-Inclusive Property Management Company in St. Louis, Missouri
How well is your St. Louis property performing? Maybe you could be earning more rent. Maybe you could be renting your properties faster. Is your maintenance too expensive, and are your residents causing problems? Professional property management can help. We put our 30 years of experience in the St. Louis real estate market to work for owners and investors who are hoping to earn more rent and deal with fewer headaches throughout the investment experience. It doesn’t matter if you own one unit or 200, give Deca a call.
Deca Property Management is composed of experienced staff split into departments for specialized skills, including Property Managers, Field Managers, Client Success, Marketing, Leasing, Accounting, and Administrative Assistants.
Our experience in the property management industry allows us to provide the tools, resources, and knowledge that are required in the effective leasing, management, and maintenance of your asset.
Everything from finding quality residents to handling maintenance, collecting rents, paying bills and more, is right here!